Six Things to Think About for Year-End 2021
With yesterday’s 72 degree day (here in Maryland) behind us and today’s 40-ish degrees setting in, it’s a fierce reminder that winter is coming; and that means another calendar year is coming to a close. That said, there’s still time to warm up that financial plan and position yourself to finish out the year well.
With that in mind, we thought it would be helpful to send along six financial “best practices” to do just that:
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Waypoint Wealth Management
Pandemic Pivots
If the pandemic has proven anything, it’s that life-altering occasions—both those we experience firsthand and those that merely present themselves as possibilities—have the potential to uproot even the firmest of financial plans. Why? Because reminders of what’s most important to us—wake up calls about how we spend our time and, as an extension, our money—can and should trigger reevaluation of our plans for the future.
And although the exact nature of any pandemic-related changes to a financial plan will look different for everyone, a few common themes have surfaced over the last year and a half that are worth discussing with your advisor: > SEE MORE
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Waypoint Wealth Management
Those Ever-Changing Economic Conditions
It often feels like trying to predict where the economy is going is like throwing darts blindfolded. You can listen to ten different economists on any given day and get ten very diverse opinions on where the economy is headed. And what is happening in your state or hometown is often much different than what is happening in other regions of the country.
Supply and demand are key factors in pricing. Housing costs have increased significantly over the last couple years as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Because basic building costs have skyrocketed, homebuyers are looking for existing homes and the inventory is low. > SEE MORE
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Waypoint Wealth Management
Inflation, Part Two: What Can YOU Do About It?
In our last piece, we covered the recent uptick in inflation, and what to make of it in a historical context. For investors, it’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture before acting on breaking news. What if inflation does get out of hand, and what’s the best strategy going forward if that were to occur?
The Federal Reserve has been suggesting rising rates should wane. We hope they’re right. But we also know the future remains uncharted. Nearly any outcome is possible, and none is inevitable. This means diversified investing remains our preferred strategy for being prepared for whatever the future holds.
Explaining Inflation Doesn’t Predict It
If higher inflation does materialize, will it arrive sooner or later? > SEE MORE
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Waypoint Wealth Management
The Price is Right (Or Wrong?): Inflation Fears
I’ve often said to clients that inflation is one of the biggest risks to a retirement plan’s success. Yet, we don’t fear inflation like many investors fear market volatility—it hasn’t been something to worry about because it has fortunately been so tame for decades now.
However, recent headlines related to inflation are now commonplace. You also might be wondering why your neighbor’s house just sold for a gazillion dollars in one week, or hearing about the rise in lumber prices, and questioning if all this will trickle through to you and your wallet/purse? > SEE MORE
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